What is it all about?

One day I had an idea. Of course it’s nothing special in itself. Everybody has an idea from time to time. Mine isn’t more sophisticated than other people’s and to be honest isn’t very orginal also, but it’s mine and I will share it with you. Whether you want it or not.

I had an idea to create a game. A game that will be both - familiar and fresh. And my first attempt to do it is “Tick-Fight-Toe” - that is a Tick-Tack-Toe game, but with knights, archers, mages and monsters instead of O’s and X’s.

How will it look like?

I imagine this game as tactical turn-based strategy game. In each turn a player can place one of his fighters on the board. Every fighter has a special ability that is activated when a unit is placed. For example a knight can kill enemy unit near him and an archer can kill enemies away from him. To win the game player must put 3 of his fighters in a row.

How much do I have?

Project started a while ago, but I couldn’t devote as much time to it as I would like. Right now I have a working core with knights and archers as unit. I’m still deciding on the board size and special powers for each unit.

Right now I use free assets found online, but it’ll probably change in the future. Here is a list of assets that helped me by now:

Thank you very much!

Here’s what the game looks like so far, with all the elements in place - please note that the archer sprite is very temporary: Very raw version of tick-fight-toe. Grid 3x3 with sprite of knight and temporary
sprite of archer (head of windrunner from DOTA2 on knight's sprite)

Technical stack

I see each personal programming project as an opportunity to expand my skillset. For this project I decided to practice TypeScript as I work mostly in vanilla JS. As a framework I choose Phaser 3 with this template (yes, I know that it’s has been deprecated - I will eventualy migrate to phaser3-vite-template and maybe it will be good occasion to write a post here.)


I will update you with my progress on the next post. Right now I want to add proper menu and migrate to the new template.

Thank you for reaching this point. I hope You liked my idea for a game and I’d rapturous if you decided to follow my next steps.

Regards Storkeus